December has been such a crazy month! We had Ori's birthday, my birthday, a Cafe Rio Christmas party, and Christmas! All in all, we had a ton of celebrating to do!
Here are a bunch of pictures from the last month.... enjoy!!
Here Ori is opening a present for her birthday.... I think that her favorite present was the scooter :)
Sia ate her first baby food... what a messy eater!
Ori and Sia helped decorate the tree...
Here is Ori talking to "Ya Ya"
Sia tried to sit up....
And then fell asleep in her Santa outfit.....
Ori found some cupcakes and ate all the frosting off them....
But she still has a beautiful smile!!
Here are the beautiful girls waiting to open their presents....
Ori loved her new tricycle.....
And Sia got stuck under the coffee table....
And here is the aftermath of Christmas!!
Sia is ready for church in her new dress....
And Ori had one on too!!
We are looking forward to another year.... and a lot more blogs!!