Sunday, June 5, 2011

So Artsy!

Sia is learning how to color!  She usually ends up with a crayon in her mouth...  but she has fun for a moment :)

Ori learned how to make a bead bracelet with a pipe cleaner.  She is pretty good at it!

So concentrated!

This is a book that Ori made in nursery!

 Here is some of Sia's amazing art!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Fire Station Time!!!

The girls were able to take a tour of the fire station.  They loved looking at the fire truck, and while we were there, one fire truck had to leave.  So the girls got to see the flashing lights and hear the horn. 

The fire fighter gave the girls their own fire hats and stickers!  Does it get any better than that?

Happy Sisters!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Girls, Girls, Girls!!

The girls certainly aren't camera shy!!


Hi Sia!

All dressed up for church!

Ori is chatting with her dad.  She loves coloring pictures of him.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time For An Easter Egg Hunt!!!

Emily had us over for an Easter egg hunt and it was so fun!  It took Ori a second to catch on, but once she got it, she was running around giggling trying to get all the eggs!  We set up a baby area for Sia and her little friends...  they mostly chose one egg and then sucked on it, but they loved it!

Ori was willing to dig through the leaves to get to the eggs!

Here is Sia with her BFF Daphne....

Enjoying her findings!

Where are those eggs??

Found one!!

Daddy Goes To Work...

Daddy had to go to work for a while...  Here are our last goodbyes....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The weather was nice enough that Fa'a and the girls headed out back to play on the slip and slide...  Ori had a ton of fun, Sia wasn't a huge fan of the cold water :)

What a great Dad!

Sia kept tring to escape, but Fa'a was determined that she play.  In the end, Sia won!

Barney Live!!

We went to Barney Live!!  It was.....  incredible!  Mom and Dad left without a headache, and Ori and Sia had a blast!  And it only cost us about $200 :)  In the end, it was totally worth it.  Ori also managed to get a Baby Bop doll....  who now sleeps with her each night :)

Here she is giving Baby Bop a kiss.

And here is Barney....  in all his splendor :)

Barney, Baby Bop, Riff, and BJ...  is it sad that I know them all?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pics From Around The House!

We have had a busy month!  Here are some pics I managed to snap in between diapers, cleaning, cooking....  and everything else!!

Ori tries to escape her car seat every chance she gets!

Sia loves the kitchen....  it has been the cause of many fights between the girls!

Don't worry, that is a fake bottle!

Ori is so engrossed with Barney that she didn't even notice I took this picture!

Just happy to be here!

Chillin' in the car

Double trouble!!

I painted Ori's nails this week and now she shows them off every chance she gets!  She is even refusing to wear shoes, only flip-flops so that she can see her "donuts" (which is Ori speak for toenails....  no idea where she picked that up.

The other fun thing that Ori has been doing lately is called us "sweetie".  Fa'a and I must say that a lot, because lately is been "Hi Sweetie", "What are you doing Sweetie?" and so on!  Wish I could capture it on film.... I will keep trying!

A Walk Through The Woods....

I had to get some branches for one of my projects, so Alicia, Emily, and I took the kids for walk through the woods!  We had a great time, Ori loved pointing out the trees (there were a lot!!) and animals.  Sia seemed to just enjoy being pulled on the wagon!  The kids had a great time....  so did the adults!

This wagon was meant to hold the wood....  the kids had a better idea!

Here are Ori, Sia, Campbell, Cannon, and the back of Emma's head!

Sia tried to jump ship a few times...

Everyone actually held still for this photo.....

But not this one!

Jumpin' Jax!!

We went to Jumpin' Jax so that the girls could play on the giant inflatable toys.  The girls had so much fun, they were exhausted by the time we left!  Ori even convinced mom to jump on the toys with her!

Here is Ori going up the ladder so that she could go down the mini slide. 

Sia played a little on the bouncy toys....  but she mostly enjoyed the food :)

Ori attacked the pizza when it was time to eat.  She was hurrying so that she could go back and bounce!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just Hangin' Out!

January has been a busy month for our family!  Sia learned to crawl, Kelsey got married so we all went to Utah....  and Ori locked herself in the bathroom....  again!

Here is Sia taking some of her first "crawls"....  Fa'a would put snacks in front of her for motivation....  I guess it worked!!

Ori loves playing with Sia now that she can crawl....  until Sia crawls over and steals her toy...  Ori has started to put things on the counter so Sia can't get to them.

Ori, Campbell, and Cannon played in the bus while Alicia and I attempted to do crafts....

As soon as Sia could crawl she thought she could go up the steps....  not yet honey!

When Fa'a comes home from work he gets surrounded from all members of the family!  This time, Sia pulled herself up into a standing position.

Ori likes to eat her dinner on Fa'a's lap... 

Sia has started eating dinner with us!  She loved the vegetable beef soup that we had!

Here they are ready for church!  Sia was a big hit in her Sunday hat!

Last but not least, the dreaded door picture!  Ori locked herself in the bathroom and I had to call 911 to get her out!  I kept slipping her snacks under the door to cheer her up, I also put a flashlight at the bottom to give her a little light....She was crying while she was inside, but once the police man got her out, she looked at him and said "Thank you".  Then she went and played with her toys.  She bounces back pretty quickly!