January has been a busy month for our family! Sia learned to crawl, Kelsey got married so we all went to Utah.... and Ori locked herself in the bathroom.... again!
Here is Sia taking some of her first "crawls".... Fa'a would put snacks in front of her for motivation.... I guess it worked!!
Ori loves playing with Sia now that she can crawl.... until Sia crawls over and steals her toy... Ori has started to put things on the counter so Sia can't get to them.
Ori, Campbell, and Cannon played in the bus while Alicia and I attempted to do crafts....
As soon as Sia could crawl she thought she could go up the steps.... not yet honey!
When Fa'a comes home from work he gets surrounded from all members of the family! This time, Sia pulled herself up into a standing position.
Ori likes to eat her dinner on Fa'a's lap...
Sia has started eating dinner with us! She loved the vegetable beef soup that we had!
Here they are ready for church! Sia was a big hit in her Sunday hat!
Last but not least, the dreaded door picture! Ori locked herself in the bathroom and I had to call 911 to get her out! I kept slipping her snacks under the door to cheer her up, I also put a flashlight at the bottom to give her a little light....She was crying while she was inside, but once the police man got her out, she looked at him and said "Thank you". Then she went and played with her toys. She bounces back pretty quickly!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe you had to call 911 to get her out! I hope she doesn't do that again. Scary!